Tiếng Anh Lớp 7: E 7 – BÀI TẬP CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ Exercise 1: 1. she (go) —————— to school everyday 2. there (to be) —————— big proble

Tiếng Anh Lớp 7: E 7 – BÀI TẬP CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ Exercise 1: 1. she (go) —————— to school everyday 2. there (to be) —————— big problems in many parts of the world. 3. A lot of people (go) ——————– to work by car. 4. Davis never (take) ———————- the bus to school. 5. He plays volleyball but he (not enjoy)———————– it. 6. Most shops usually (open) ————————- at 8.00 a.m and (close) ——————— at 6.00 p.m. 7. School children (wear) ————————- uniform on Monday. 8. I want ( buy)——————- some stamps. 9. Ruth (live) —————– with his parents in an apartment. 10. He is writing a postcard and (watch)—————- TV at the same time. Exercise 2: 1. I (see) ——————- a car accident on this corner yesterday 2. Mr. John (be) —————— principal of our school since last year. 3. My father (not watch) ——————— TV every night. 4. I (meet) ——————– Arthur three weeks ago. 5. Yesterday the police (report) ————————– that they (capture)——————— the thief. 6. Someone (steal) ———————— my handbag on the bus. 7. Last month I (be) ————————- in the hospital for ten days. 8. Don’t call me in the afternoon. I usually (be) ————————— away in the afternoon. 9. People (speak) ——————- English in almost Canada. 10. The dog (wag) ——————— his tail whenever he (see) ————————- me. Exercise 2: 1. I think he (leave) ——————– as soon as he (know)——————– the news 2. He (come) ——————- and (see) ——————— you soon. 3. My mother (come) ———————– to stay with us next weekend. 4. Where you (spend) ——————- your holidays next summer? 5. Violets (bloom)—————– in spring. 6. They (prepare)——————– the Christmas dinner at the moment. 7. When he lived in Manchester, he (work) —————- in a bank. 8. Birds (build) —————— their nests in summer and (fly)——————– to the South in winter. 9. I (lose) ——————-my key. (can) ———————you help me look for it? 10. My brother (join) ———————-the army when he (be) ——————–young. Exercise 2: 1. Miss Lee often (write) when he (be) young. 2. He (leave) home two weeks ago 3. You (speak) to Mrs. Bakers yesterday? 4. Columbus (discover) America more than 400 years ago. 5. I (not can) remember when I last (see) her. 6. When Nguyen Du (die)? – I (not know) when he (die). 7. Hurry up! The train (come)., giúp em giải bài này ạ, em cảm ơn thầy cô và các bạn nhiều.

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